Academic Standing and Academic Probation

Academic Warning, Probation, and Dismissal

Each term the Program Committee reviews the scholastic record of all enrolled students and makes decisions regarding warnings, probationary status, or dismissal of students in academic difficulty. The graduate program director notifies students of any action taken. After the first grade below B, a student will receive an academic warning. A second grade below B will result in a final warning and being placed on academic probation. A third grade below B will result in dismissal from the program. No more than two grades below B may be counted toward the MALS degree or MINI-MALS certificate.

Student Appeals

Student appeals of decisions made by the Program Committee, or student grievances related to academic matters, must be presented in writing to the director of the graduate program within one month of the decision(s). Acceptable grounds for appeal are (1) technical error and/or (2) new information and/or (3) extenuating circumstances. Students are allowed to meet with the committee and are permitted to be represented by an adviser from within the university community. In consultation with the other members of the committee and all parties of the dispute, the graduate program director proposes a resolution to the matter. While such action usually is final, a student may appeal to the dean of the Graduate School-Camden in cases where he or she is dissatisfied with the resolution.

Complaint Resolution

Student Complaints about Grades

A student with a complaint about a grade must submit the complaint in writing to the course instructor within one week of the receipt of the grade. In the event of an unsatisfactory resolution of the problem, the student may appeal to the graduate program director, or designee selected by the Program Committee, whose decision is final. Such appeal must be made, in writing, no later than one week following the date of unsatisfactory resolution.

Other Complaints or Problems with the Graduate Liberal Studies Program

The Graduate Liberal Studies program strives to provide the highest quality learning opportunities. If problems of any kind do arise, the university will make every effort to resolve any grievances, complaints, or concerns in an expeditious, fair, and amicable manner.  If an issue cannot be resolved by the Graduate Liberal Studies’ program director or the appropriate dean at Rutgers-Camden, you may choose to file a complaint with Rutgers Office of the Ombudsperson for Students.   If resolution has still not been achieve, you may then register your complaint with your state of residence commission on higher education. Click here to see the complaint process for each state.

AI Policies

Each course has different policies about the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in coursework. Nevertheless, any use of AI to create substantive content constitues plagiarism. For more information see Rutgers AI policies here.

Transfer Credit

Up to 10 graduate credits (3 courses) with grades of B or better may be transferred from other graduate programs either within Rutgers or at other universities, with the approval of the graduate program director. Professional training courses in fields like education, social work, business, or nursing are generally not eligible for transfer credit. Transfer credit is awarded only after a student has complete 12 credits in the Graduate Liberal Studies program.

Transient Credit

Graduate students at Rutgers University-Camden are expected to take all their coursework at the Graduate School at Rutgers-Camden, unless they receive special permission in advance. Graduate courses completed at other institutions (including another graduate school within the Rutgers system) while enrolled as a graduate student at Rutgers-Camden may be accepted for credit. Transient credit has to be approved prior to the student enrolling in a course at another institution/school and should be granted only in exceptional circumstances. Transient credit will not be granted retroactively. Please note that the number of transient credits and transfer credits combined cannot exceed one-third of the total credits for graduation. This form requires approval of your graduate director and the Associate Dean of the Graduate School.

G-Prefix Approval of Undergraduate Courses

Graduate students may enroll in up to two upper-level (300 or 400 level) undergraduate courses for graduate credit with approval of the graduate program director and Associate Dean of the Graduate School. Courses must be at Rutgers-Camden. Winter courses do not count. Approval must be gained prior to the semester in which the student enrolls in the course. Undergraduate students enrolled in a dual-degree program must also fill out and submit this form for approval in order to ensure that they receive credit for their courses. Independent Study courses are not included under this policy.

Rutgers ID Cards

Students do not need a Rutgers ID Card in our program. However, if you would like one mailed to you – perhaps to enter Rutgers buildings or libraries – you can apply here.

Re-Enrollment Form

Students are expected to be registered continuously in the Graduate School (through coursework or matriculation-continued). If you have taken any semesters off (not including the summer semester), you must apply for re-enrollment. This form requires approval of your graduate director and the Associate Dean of the Graduate School.

Change of Status

Non-matriculated students may take up to 12 credits before applying for matriculation.  Students currently registered in the Graduate School at Rutgers-Camden as non-matriculated students who wish to change their status to matriculated must complete this form. This form requires approval of your graduate director and the Associate Dean of the Graduate School.

Withdrawal from Individual Courses

Students have various deadlines if they wish to withdrawal from a course: (1) during the Drop-Add Period, usually the first week of a semester, students can withdraw from a course without penalty; (2) after that, students receive a “W” (Withdraw) grade for the course and can receive a partial tuition reduction depending on when they withdraw.

Withdrawal from All Courses

If you wish to withdraw from the program altogether, you need to fill out the following Rutgers University mandated form: