Studies of Cultural Diversity

The History of Racial, Religious, and Ethnic Groups in the United States
July 7-August 13, 2014
ECollege Platform
Professor Bramson

This course analyzes in a comparative manner the historical experience of different races, religious, and ethnic groups in the United States from contact to the modern era. Special attention is paid to gender, class, legal status, political status and education. Some of the groups that could be studied are American Indians, Asian Americans, Hispanics, African Americans, Muslim Americans, or a European ethnic group.

Studies in Women, Gender and Sexuality

Gender, Sexuality & Visual Culture through the Ages
May 27-July3, 2014
ECollege Platform
Professor Griefen

This course will look at the contributions that have been made to art history and visual culture by women and queer artists from Ancient Greece to present day America, with special focus on modern and contemporary art. The course will also address visual art and culture beyond western art, taking a global view. While looking at marginalized artists’ achievements, we will also consider the role exclusion, restriction, homophobia and censorship have played in determining how visual art is created, displayed and disseminated. Students will learn to understand and use terminology from feminist and queer theory as it relates to cultural production and art history. We will consider how our conceptions of feminism, homosexuality, gender performance, and transgender culture have transformed and interacted in recent decades.