Studies of Politics and Society 

America in Vietnam 
Hybrid Section – Some Meeting online, first 7 weeks.

This course examines the American war in Vietnam by exploring a substantial portion of the scholarship produced over the past four decades. Although it examines the origins, events, and consequences of the conflict – including its political, military, diplomatic, and social dimensions – the course is specifically designed to explore the retrospective “meaning” and “lessons” of America’s lost war in Southeast Asia as contained within contentious debate generated among scholars, journalists, and participants. For some, the war in Vietnam was an immoral catastrophic failure: an unwinnable conflict that never should have been fought by the United States. For others, American intervention was a noble cause: a necessary war that could have been won had different political and strategic avenues been taken. These diverse interpretations, along with other significant arguments advanced by the orthodox and revisionist schools constitute the major focus of this class.

Studies of Philosophy and Religion

Social and Political Philosophy

Today, maybe more than ever, it seems we hear cries for justice coming from so many different places and people.  Everyone seems to think they know what that means–but those calling for justice do not all seem to be calling for the same thing.  How can this be?  Clearly, “justice” does not mean the same thing to everyone.  This course is dedicated to the study of many divergent views of the nature of justice, including the libertarian, socialist, democratic, communitarian, and other ideals on which they are based.  

Capstone Research (3 credits)

56:606:689:91 Research in Liberal Studies
Professor Stuart Charmé

Independent study of a special interest to the student, under supervision of an advisor chosen in consultation with the program director.


Research in Liberal Studies (Credits by Arrangement)

56:606:690:91 Research in Liberal Studies
Professor Stuart Charmé

Independent study of a special interest to the student, under supervision of an advisor chosen in consultation with the program director.